Save the Pond!

The main game, playas!

Save the Pond! is a game where you must survive waves of ducks to get to the next round. To defeat the ducks, you have to kill them using your tongue or weapons. Killing ducks gives you XP. With XP you can buy weapons, upgrade weapons, buy utility and buy armor in between rounds.

Every round gets more difficult with stronger and more ducks spawning all over the map. We are making sure that the game is balanced. An example of this is that the maximum ducks on the map will be 24 plus 6 for every player on the map. The players would have to kill some ducks for the next wave of ducks to come in. This might be changed slightly as we go, but that is just an example for now. We want to make surviving really difficult in the latter rounds.

The game can be beaten, but only the strong have a shot in doing so. The game will be a 2D isometric game. We are making sure that the controls are easy and adjustable.

Last updated